How To Reclaim The Magic Of Life With Your Intuition

Written by Erin Grace.

Spirituality, Personal Growth

How To Reclaim The Magic Of Life With Your Intuition— Arawme

Intuition holds the key to unlocking magic in everyday life.

It holds deep wisdom and guidance, bringing us into peace and alignment with our unique gifts and truth. Tapping into the magic of your intuition is learning to trust and value your inner world, instead of constantly turning outwards for guidance.


From a young age, our conditioning leads us to believe that external factors influence our internal reality, when in fact the truth is quite the opposite. In one of Rumi’s famous quotes he explains, “Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.” His words invite you to take a look inside, to stop extending yourself outwardly searching for the answers that already exist within you. 

The Answers Already Exist Within

Using the same analogy of a tree, contemplate this for a moment. A tree consists of roots, a trunk, branches and leaves. Much of the tree is hidden below the earth, but its roots are where it receives nutrients so it can grow and flourish.  

Without it’s centre, (roots) the tree wouldn’t be able to express its gifts into the world. It wouldn’t be possible to grow the green leaves that supply oxygen and the fruits and flowers which replenish the earthly beings. The tree must first grow within, before it can express its magic into the external world. 

As humans, intuition is a powerful tool we can use to reconnect with our inner world and reclaim the magic of life. Intuition is your internal guidance system, a higher intelligence that reaches far beyond the rational mind, which is often restricted by self-limiting thoughts, beliefs and cultural conditioning.  

Intuition reconnects us with our instinctual nature, it helps unlock our personal truth. Bringing us into alignment with our values and inner wisdom.  

When you are in alignment, a sense of mystery sparks from within, rising you above the mundane. Your life begins to flow with fluidity and grace and this is when the magic starts to happen.

Understanding Intuition 

Intuition is the ability to know something directly without logical reasoning. It bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and between instinct and reason. It communicates through our bodies, sending subtle signals which are experienced through visualisations, sensations or messages. Intuition provides a deep sense of knowing, beyond what the intellect can perceive.

Due to conditioning, most of us learned to live predominantly from our heads (rational mind), rather than our hearts (intuition). Both intellect and intuition play necessary roles in our lives which help with processing and decision making. However, we have become a society that relies so heavily on intellect, we have forgotten how to connect with the deeper wisdom that comes from intuition. 

Your rational brain represents your ability to reason through various options whilst your emotional brain represents your instincts, impulses, and intuition. 

Humans are emotional creatures, it’s natural for us to crave a sense of meaning and fulfilment, beyond what the rational mind can perceive. Building a relationship with your intuition creates a sense of inner knowing, self-trust and empowerment.  

Building a strong connection with your intuition, asks you to go against what seems familiar or logical. This can feel quite uncomfortable at first, because most of us tend to want to predict or control outcomes. Whereas living from your intuitive nature encourages you to trust, let go and “have faith”.

Are You Ready to Reclaim the Magic of Life with Your Intuition? 

If you are feeling stuck in the mundane, routine and predictability of life, it’s time to shake things up! 

From my experience, the way to do this is to reconnect with the magic of your intuition. Remember the parts of yourself that experienced wonder, joy and meaning when you were a child? Well, they are still there, just waiting inside for you to embrace them.  

We get stuck in the cycle of believing that our external life has to change before life can become more exciting. But this is simply not true. As I said earlier, change happens from the inside out, you have all the tools within you to create magic in your every day life.

You simply need to make a choice, are you ready to live a life more aligned with purpose, joy and magic?

If the answer is yes, read on for some helpful tools to get you started.

4 Simple Ways to Create Magic in Your Life Using Your Intuition


  1. Access Your Joy


If you want to create more magic in your life, it’s important to consider what brings you joy. Many of us go about our daily lives, never asking ourselves if we are truly happy.  

To access your joy, you must get out of your head and into your heart. If you try to use your intellect to find your joy, you may experience resistance telling you, “I shouldn’t feel that because…” It will try to rationalise and make sense of everything. 

This exercise is all about what fills your heart with joy, the simple pleasures in life that you may have disregarded. Many of us get so caught up in the busyness of life that we forget to slow down and tune into what’s truly important to us. 

Grab a notebook and pen and find a quiet space. Take a few deep breaths and tune into your heart space. When you feel centred ask yourself this question, “what truly brings me joy?”

Allow your intuition to speak through you, give yourself permission to write whatever comes through, without judgement. You may even be surprised by what comes up, just enjoy the process and let your joy express itself on the page. Once you are aware of what brings you joy, it’s easier to tune into. Display the list somewhere you can see it and commit to doing at least one joyful practice a day. It might be simply having a cup of tea in the sun or going for a walk. 

 Make the effort to implement this practice into your daily life. Notice the sense of magic it can bring when you consciously allow yourself to experience of joy.



2. Follow Your Instincts


Do you ever wake up and feeling like every day is the same? Like you are stuck in the same old routine day in, day out? If this is the case, you are more than likely going against what you truly want to do. Sure, we all have commitments, but there is always room to follow your instincts. Instead of waking up in the morning and doing what you feel you should do. Take some time to tune into what you would actually like to do instead.

Practice following the hunches. Instead of trying to plan the entire day, allow space for spontaneity. 

 Give yourself space to tune inwards and ask, “What am I really craving to do?’’ Then do it! Allow you intuition to guide you throughout the day. Maybe you receive a hunch to talk to a person that walks by, or you have a sense to try out a different café. When you trust that inner voice, instead of trying to plan everything it opens up space for synchronicity and joy. 

3. Intuitive Creativity


Many of us hold the belief that we are not creative. However, I truly believe that part of being human is having the innate gift of creative expression through our intuition. 

Creativity can bring magic to your every day life because it provides the opportunity to express your inner world. It also brings a sense of inner peace, calmness and clarity. 

Intuition loves expressing itself through creativity. When connected to your inner source of creation, your intuition is strengthened by allowing the creative process to guide you.

Intuitive creating is about quieting the cognitive mind and allowing the creative life force to flow through you. Give yourself permission to express your creativity instinctually, without trying to force or control it. 

When you surrender and allow the creative process, that’s when the magic happens.

4. Discover Magic Through Nature


Take an intuitive walk through nature, allowing yourself to connect with its magnificence and beauty. Nature gives us an opportunity to recharge our batteries and reconnect with our true essence. The simplicity of nature is pure magic, because nature just is. It’s purely instinctual and a wise teacher. If you allow yourself to spend a little time in nature each day, it provides a powerful source of inspiration for your life.

Take a walk, surrender and notice the magic all around you.

Guest post written by Erin Grace. Erin is the creator of Story Bones Online.

A platform dedicated to helping people heal their lives through intuition, creativity, body wisdom and stories. Erin empowers individuals to discover their true soul story, tap into their inner greatness and live a life full of purpose and meaning. Check out her website here to explore her blog full of intuitive, healing and insightful offerings. You can also get a free healing guide - Master Your Story, Transform Your Life. Erin will be launching her intuitive offering journey's later this year, you can stay updated by joining her mailing list or on her Instagram.


4 Ways To Reclaim The Magic Of Life With Your Intuition— Arawme