harmony is a wonderful thing. But not nearly as powerful as awareness.
— Arnold Mindell

Ways to work with Sylvia


Sylvia works with heart-led and conscious individuals, creatives and business owners in a 1:1 or small group container.

Being a projector in Human Design, she upholds her energetics and divinity and keep sessions to a small number each week. Services range from Human Design sessions to #yourjourneyinwards small group mentoring and 1:1 sessions. Each of her 1:1 containers is highly sacred, unique, sought after, and keep in private to the highest level of confidentiality. Sessions are usually scheduled weeks ahead and may be coupled with journal prompts for each individual’s experimentation process. It is her intention that you walk out of the reading not only with a greater understanding of your divinity but feeling supported and empowered to align to your truest, highest Self.


Introducing Align:


Becoming Empowered 1:1 Human Design Session

Unearthing Projectorhood 1:1 Uplevel Session


Bhava Mentoring & Support Session


journey with me.