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Being Invited As A Projector

Human Design, unearthing projectorhood

In my past, as someone who used to overshare a lot, coupled with being an unconscious self-projected projector, I never knew what waiting for the invitation was or rather, that it even make any sense in the first place. I do however remember in hindsight, numerous distinct occasions where bitterness and rejection ensue when the opposite party did not seem amused by my blurts of advice/wisdom/information/ideas. Because of how penetrating and piercing our aura is when interacting with others, it is not unusual that they may feel annoyed and perceive us as arrogant when we offer them unsolicitedly.

I have also observed myself entering relationships incorrectly resulting in having relationships that led to a lot of dissonance, hurt, disharmony, conflict, and pain.

These interactions are not uncommon and unfamiliar when projectors step into the role of initiating rather than waiting for the invitation.

Have you thought of one similar scenario in your life too?

Strategy of Projectors

In Human Design, the projector’s strategy is to wait for the invitation. Our strategy governs how we best interact with the world.

When we decided to step into our projectorhood, it means consciously choosing a life of empowerment, embodiment, and experimentation by living the design of our Energy Type (projector), strategy (waiting for the invitation), and authority (emotional/splenic/ego/mental/self-projected).

And this is my invitation for you today as a projector to get clarity on what invitations are. To feel empowered as you master your strategy and reclaim your divinity as the person you came here to be.


Waiting for an invitation may sound almost passive when one first hears it. One may perceive it as inaction, lack of control and power.

Like well, come on, seriously? I must wait around and do nothing? Does that mean I should just wait to be handled for that job rather than searching for it just like normal people do? Should I not make the first move if I am interested in him/her?

In the Human Design context, invitations are direct solicitations for an energetic exchange/ energetic opening with another individual. The strategy of waiting for an invitation is not there to limit us in our gifts, rather it is mechanically designed to expand our potential as a projector.

Because of our conditionings, it is convenient to skip waiting and try to be like a manifestor or jump into the primal bandwagon of the act of doing like how sacral beings are mechanically designed to and have been very successful at it for a long, long time - except that we as projectors are not mechanically and energetically powered that way.

When we wait for the invitation, we adopt mechanisms to slow down and not rush for things to happen. It helps us lean into our natural feminine energetics of receptivity which supports us to thrive as projectors. It also allows others (sacral and non-sacrals) to be drawn to us at the correct timing and for them to recognize our gifts and wisdom. Most of all, waiting for the invitation creates energetic coherence and harmony for everyone as we allow ourselves to be correctly primed with our insights and gifts and guide others/systems/businesses and their creative expression. Waiting for the invitation allows the right resources, nervous systems, individuals, relationships and recognition to settle in.

recognition before invitations

First of all, it is essential to clarify that invitations are applicable only where our insights/wisdom/skillset/time are required. They are imperative in big decisions where relationships, careers, relocation, etc are involved. One does not need to wait for the invitation for simple interactions in life. It is important to note that invitations should be formal and directed specifically to you. They can be expressed in a myriad of ways, including body cues, conversations, an inner pull, a deep knowing, sometimes it feels deep in the skin - anything but from the mind. It does not always have to be verbalized. Invitations run directly hand in hand with recognition.

To put it simply, when you are wondering if you were recognized, ask yourself, were you first recognized to share your insights/wisdom/skillset/time? In dating/relationships, was there a clear indication that the other was interested? Was there a subtle body cue, a facial expression, a tone, an inner pull, an energetic opening, a deep knowing or perhaps, a formal verbal interest that suggests that the other recognized you?

Projectors are here to be seen and because of our ability to recognize the other deeply, we are mechanically designed to be recognized too. Our piercing and penetrating aura does its thing when it interacts with another sacral being, it is inevitable that our aura radiates and affects them. Sacral beings will naturally be drawn to our aura, calling us in for guiding them and the wisdom that we hold.

However, it is most important to note that one does not need to accept all invitations. We must be discerning in our potential people-pleasing tendencies, potential lack and desperation motivations and low self-worth trap doors. Not all invitations are right for us, we have to lean into our authority to sieve and refine the best decision and invitation.

There is power in the waiting.

The Wait Before The Invitations

Before we dive deeper into invitations and the process of waiting, know that our wisdom and gifts as a projector are not for everyone. Our gifts and wisdom have to first be made visible and recognized by the other to open up that energetic interaction.

This could mean making ourselves seen from a place of surrender, trust, and self-worth. A place where we observe no attachment to the outcome but with excitement as our guiding force. For example, as a writer, I really find fulfillment in writing, I share my gift and wisdom through my public website where everyone can read. This allows my target audience (like yourself) to feel my frequency and be drawn to me. If you are a graphic designer, begin by making yourself seen by putting your work on socials. If you are a leather craftsman, begin by displaying your work online or at physical stores.

In dating and relationships, making yourself visible may be like, creating an account on a dating site/app and sharing about yourself authentically through your bio or pictures. If you are a bookworm and enjoy reading, making yourself visible for dating/relationships by frequently heading to the library/book store. In work, making yourself visible may be like, putting your CV on your LinkedIn, keeping your profile updated. The goal is to allowing yourself to be seen so that the your ideal audience, potential clients, recruiters, employers, romantic/platonic partners engage with your frequency and allow correct invitations to be formed from their end. Think of showcasing your gifts and expanding your visibility as a subtle way of expressing your interest.

It is not initiating, it is putting yourself out there so you can first be seen and felt energetically by others right for you. Let them reach out to you. Know that making yourself visible and recognized is one thing, making refined decisions is another and that has to be decided through tuning to our individual authorities.

During the waiting, it is important for projectors to also hold the awareness of our motivation/transferred motivation (one of our 4 variables). Motivation is part of our cognitive architecture which governs the reasons behind our actions. It holds the key to understanding our driving force. Transferred motivation governs when we are motivated for the wrong reasons and are not in alignment with ourselves. It is usually the reason why we do not wait and fall into the not-self of bitterness.

The process of waiting is what feels the most delicious to my projector self. When one learns to approach it with an empowering narrative, waiting feels like a gift. That being said, it requires de-conditioning, unlearning falsehoods and creating new neural pathways to arrive here.

This is the time for you to cultivate what lights your soul, and get really good at it. It is the time for you to be curious, present and engaged in nourishing your container too. Take this time to heal and recover from any form of empathetic burnout, use this time to heal yourself. Develop and hone your skills and forte. As a line 1, I thoroughly enjoy building my foundation and enjoy studying. During the process of waiting, I am reading on my kindle, studying courses and expanding my knowledge etc. I also enjoy traveling, cooking for my loved ones, playing with my parrot, goofing around with my partner, drinking juices, being in nature, and tending to my inner child’s needs.

What brings you joy? What feels like play and movement to you? If time and money are not a problem, what are the things that you always felt called to do? What piques your interest right now? What system/niche/vocation are you mastering right now?

Prioritize yourself in the waiting. Trust your gifts and your blueprint.

Lastly, begin by seeing and recognizing yourself, your gifts and your wisdom from a place of self-worth. To begin, one of the first things to reclaim in the waiting is your sense of worthiness and self-trust. If you do not trust your gifts as a projector or even recognize them, how will others do? If you do not consciously and wholeheartedly choose a life of empowerment, embodiment, and experimentation by living your fullest projectorhood expression, how will empower others in their divinity? If you do not choose to be awake, how will you awake others? Awareness itself is an agent of change already but, conscious and aligned action is the game-changer. Cultivate self-trust, self-recognition and alignment with your projector divinity today.

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waiting for the Invitation Reminders

  1. perspective/narrative shift

    Remember that when you shift your mentality on how invitations are supposed to arrive naturally, correctly, and in a divinely timed manner, you naturally deepen a sense of trust with your higher self and the Universe’s. Think of it as a collaborative process and understand that they are designed to support our energetic expression with harmony and coherence. You will hold a confident and composed restraint in any impulses to initiate and/or operate out of your strategy.

  2. Cultivate your mastery & expand your visibility

    Projectors are here to cultivate mastery in systems. What niches/vocation/systems are you currently feeling called to? ( Listen to your authority) What can you focus on cultivating today that makes you feel really good about yourself? Remember, this does not have to be anything tangible or be explained to. Bask in it because it makes you feel good. Mastery and success is mechanically designed for projectors. Our gifts and wisdom have to first be made visible and recognized by the other to open up that energetic interaction. This could mean making ourselves seen from a place of surrender, trust, and self-worth. Where can you make yourself visible so others can invite you for your uniqueness/your gifts/your skillset/your time?

  3. Indulge in things that excite your soul

    When we lean on the feminine energetics of our aura and our powerful projector receptivity, we magnetize invitations and recognition. We cultivate this by basking in play and movement. The more you detach yourself from the deliberation of your mind chatters, the more you are in sync with your physical and energetic body. Indulging in things that excite and relax your soul is extremely helpful. Again, you owe no explanation to anyone for what these things are. Your list will evolve as you evolve too.

  4. Recognize yourself

    As shared above, if you do not trust your gifts as a projector or even recognize them, how will others do? If you do not consciously and wholeheartedly choose a life of empowerment, embodiment, and experimentation by living your fullest projectorhood expression, how will empower others in their divinity? If you do not choose to be awake, how will you awake others?

    Do you, in your veins believe that you are deserving of a life of correct invitations, success and authenticity? Are you open to taking aligned action to heal/recognize yourself if you do not currently see it right now? Our gifts and wisdom are here to be seen and recognized, but this energetic interaction can only be opened up when one mirrors self-recognition.

    Self-recognition > recognition > invitations > correct invitations to say yes to

  5. Not all invitations are right for you

    A very common scenario for projectors is to jump into all invitations when presented with one. It takes a well-refined projector to discern what invitations to say yes and no to. Cultivating self-trust and mastery of our authority takes practice, but one has to also be self-aware of any potential lack or fear-based tendencies and motivations in our hurry to say yes.

I hope that this article has helped you arrive at a deeper clarity of what it is to be invited as a projector, and the process of waiting and arriving at the correct invitations.

Our journey of experimentation, empowerment and embodiment in unearthing our projector essence is a journey back to ourselves, a remembrance of who our soul came here to be. I have designed my free resource, “Projector’s 3 Agents of Change Guidebook” to support projectors like you in becoming and feeling empowered as we decondition and embark on our projectorhood journey. In this 30+ page toolkit, I share my tried and tested ( line 3 here) personal in depth-expansive practices to assist you in activating your projector divinity today. Read more about it here.

If you are looking for something physical and tangible to support you in your deconditioning and projectorhood journey, my Your Companion 2024 Planner is the world’s first-ever Human Design energy type specific planner. It is currently available only for Human Design projectors. Besides being a year, month and weekly planner, it contains a comprehensive guide about Human Design catered to projectors with a focus on practical integration and embodiment.

It is suitable for any Human Design projectors who are at the beginning of their de-conditioning journey or have been in their experiment for a while. It is designed to instill self-accountability and empowerment for one to take practical actions toward a life of authenticity, fulfillment, ease and Projector success. Read more about it here.

Lastly, if you feel called to engage in my frequency and have an in-depth Becoming Empowered Human Design session or a Projectorhood Uplevel Session, do get in touch with me here.

I am also SO excited to introduce — The Projector Remembrance.

It is a 12 week, small group Projector mentoring container. Centering around the technology of Human Design and Neuroscience, TPR is for soul-led Projectors who are serious about stepping into their Projectorhood with a focus on community, embodiment and practical integration through differentiated and group support.  We begin on the 3rd week of May, Gemini Season! Payment plans are available. Discover more here.

If you are looking to expand, uplevel and align yourself with your unique Projector divinity. this is the invitation you are looking for.

Click below for other “Unearthing Projectorhood” resources:

And I hope you will always remember that you can begin today. All my love. Sat Nam.


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I am Sylvia— the founder, writer and human design reader of Arawme. “Arawme” is basically, a raw me put together.

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Meanwhile, do come and say hi on Instagram! Check out other Unearthing Projectorhood resources below!

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